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Plot Update 10 March 2021

A year has passed since Fire Lord Zuko ascended the throne, and it seems like trouble is brewing between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom once more. The Fire Lord and the Avatar began the Harmony Restoration Movement to restore the Fire Nation Colonies to their pre-war state by bringing any Fire Nation nationals back home, but for many of the citizens — of mixed Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom … Read more ›

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Mike & Bryan leave Netflix Adaptation

The original creators of ATLA quit the Netflix series, citing creative differences & an unsupportive environment.

Elementary, My Dear

Post by Ling on Oct 1, 2017 19:36:10 GMT -6

Ling Avatar
A bead of condensation dripped lazily down Ling's glass of fizzy drink as she dialed the telephone. "Yes, hello, operator? Please connect me to Downtown oh-two-seven-five." Ice cubes clinked together as Ling raised the glass to her lips, waiting to be connected. The clerk she was connected to then patched her through to Detective Sek Hei-Ming's desk.

"Hello Sek," Ling languidly said into the receiver, a smile playing on her lips. "It's been a while."

And indeed it had. At the clinic, the two of them discovered quickly that the healer had treated about a dozen cases of unknown illness; at the time he had been incredibly puzzled as to the cause, but since there were no commonalities between the patients, had not thought to ascribe it to a poisoning. Armed with anonymous dossiers on the patients' vitals, environmental information, and symptoms, Ling and Sek had quickly worked through the list and were able to narrow down how the drugs were being spread, and even where, but not who was responsible for it.

But that's where their luck had ended. Soon after, Ling found herself buried in a pile of cases. Mei-zhen had even taken time off from the clinic to help her with her case load, and before she knew it winter had thawed and summer was just around the corner. She had barely any time to see Jia, much less work on an additional case with Sek — who, by all accounts, had been equally busy.

That changed today when a young boy had arrived at her office, not an hour before Ling had decided to call Sek. She had alerted her contacts in the Dragon Flats to let her know if they ever saw anything suspicious: in particular, a well dressed individual or individuals attempting to covertly give anyone something.

The boy, a young newsie, had shyly approached saying that the past month he had seen a man standing in the alleyway behind the local shoe factory. The man came by a couple of times a week, his clothes clearly of excellent make far beyond what anyone in the Flats would have been able to afford, despite the wear and tear and obvious attempts to blend in. The boy had been too afraid to approach the man, but Ling rewarded him with five yuans and her signature smile and thanked him for his efforts.

She couldn't risk anyone knowing about this lead, though, and so spoke to Sek with the vaguest of allusions. "I was wondering if you had time to join me in my office for lunch? I have some curry and rice being delivered and would love some company. We can catch up, and I can tell you all about the new man in my life."

The thing was, Ling wasn't interested in men. That much had been made clear during the time she and Sek had worked together.

"I'll see you soon, then." Ling glanced up at the clock: a quarter after noon. If Sek took their motorcycle, they could be at the office in about twenty minutes.

And in twenty minutes, there they were, punctual as always. Ling let them in with a smile. "Hey you," she said. She hadn't needed to tidy the office this time, as Mei-zhen had taken care of that for her. Ling had set up the delivery cartons of rice and curry on the desk, along with a pitcher of ice water and a couple of cold bottles of fizzy drink.

"Glad you could make it."
This user is from the WT
Oct 2, 2017 17:22:18 GMT -6

Post by Deleted on Oct 2, 2017 17:22:18 GMT -6

Sek was stuck between a rock and a hard place and neither could be bent to their will. The investigation with Ling was invigorating and fascinating and their current workload was anything but that.

All they had in Ba Sing Se was ghosts haunting them, and in Republic City they had no one. Sek's coworkers were either intimidated by their career history, or were too busy and/or up themselves to consider their fellow officers. They had received nothing but a slew of terrible cases that other officers decided they couldn't be bothered to do, most particularly in the poorer districts. When they had tried to approach anyone about it, they got shrugged off as a rookie that didn't understand how Republic City worked.

There was the rock and the hard place. Death in Ba Sing Se, or loneliness in Republic City.

Even Sek's sleep cycle took a hit: with nothing to wear them down, they had took to simply staring at their ceiling in an attempt to relax before getting back up again to do other people's work in the name of justice.

So when their office phone had rang, Sek briefly considered not picking it up before they actually did. (The thought disgusted them, they were a distinguished officer of the law, for crying out loud. Sek needed to get their emotions together.) Instead of a detective handing them another simple case, the lilt of Ling's accent came through instead.

"Ling, a pleasant surprise. Was beginning to worry that the spirits took hold of you." Sek's eyebrow rose when Ling began to speak in coded language, talking about a new man in her life. Which was a bunch of rubbish, really, considering Ling was as gay as the sky was blue. It didn't take long for Sek to figure out that she was talking about their shared investigation.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, assuming Republic City traffic isn't congested as usual. Thank you, Ling."

As soon as their office telephone was back on its hook, Sek was bolting out of the office with only a passing word to their superior about work. Changing into their protective leathers didn't take long either, and they carefully and purposefully maintained the speed limit on the way down to the Yao Sisters' Detective Agency.

They had barely got a single knock on the door when Ling opened it with a wide smile plastered on her face. Ling looked spectacular as always, and Sek could feel the large bags under their eyes and knew that they looked terrible. Combined with the fact that they were just as antsy as a cactus juice dealer in an airbending temple, Sek tried to put on their best smile and greeted Ling back.

"Hello back," they said while winking at Ling - because that's what coworkers do, right? They moved to the desk, and slumped into the chair available. Sek knew their leg was twitching, but they didn't care to stop it. "Your phone call had perfect timing. Work has been awful, so of course I came as soon as I could." They let out a little laugh. "They day you have a man in your life is the same day I have a defined gender." Without asking, they reached into the ice water, retrieved a couple of ice cubes and pressed them against the metal in their face. The relief was instantaneous, and they felt like they could focus better.

They turned to Ling, awaiting a reply.
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Last edit by Deleted: Oct 2, 2017 17:32:32 GMT -6

Post by Ling on Oct 7, 2017 13:40:47 GMT -6

Ling Avatar
Ling chortled. "In fairness, 'in my life' is a very vague qualification. The mailman is technically in my life, every day. As is the paper boy."

She opened up the containers of curry and rice, then gestured for Sek to help themselves, passing the detective a spoon. There were four containers all together: two filled with pork-and-apple curry, the other two filled with steamed white rice. Ling took a bite of the rice first, then followed with a bite of curry.

"So here's the thing. Right before I called you one of my contacts approached me with some information. Apparently, there's been a man coming down to the alleyway behind the shoe factory and was giving out something to a few passers by. He's been doing this a couple times a week for the last month, at least; my contact also says that he doesn't belong there."

Belatedly, she realised that Sek might not want to eat this way.

Talking around her mouthful with some difficulty, she gestured to the small counter and cabinet in the corner by the sink. "Do you want a bowl?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled. "There's one in the cabinet above the sink, please feel free to grab it."

Ling took another bite, savouring the rich, savoury taste of the curry. It was no pork bun, but sometimes a girl needed a hearty meal.

"His clothes," she continued. "Ragged and worn, but clearly of fine quality and make — much too expensive for the likes of anyone that actually lives in the 'Flats." Ling glanced briefly down at her own clothes. Even though she and her family were more well off than most Dragon Flats residents, she'd still never be able to compete with the fine clothes she had borrowed from Sek's predecessor.

"Unfortunately, my contact was reluctant — understandably so, I feel — to attempt contact. But, I'm told that there's a good chance he'll be there this evening."
This user is from the WT